[Educaciolliure] Red y conferencia europea

jmateu22axtec.cat jmateu22axtec.cat
Dij Feb 28 14:47:13 CET 2008

se acaba de formar una red europea de escuelas 'democrática', así se les llama a las escuela tipo summerhill, sudbury, sands, etc.
os adjunto información
les he pedido que me envien los folletos, estan preparando una conferencia euorpea
hasta pronto

Registration is now Open for EUDEC 2008!
Until 30 April, the fees for the "full conference" are €200 for adults and €100 for school/university students. This includes food and simple accommodation. There are also special prices available for participants from low-income countries.
Starting in May, fees will increase to €250/€125.
Register online at www.eudec2008.org.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
Hope to see you all this summer!!

EUDEC 2008
Paul-Gruner-Str. 33
04107 Leipzig
Tel. +49 (0) 341-926-1877
Fax +49 (0) 341-926-1878
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