Buen diagnóstico , mala estrategia

igsbcn igsbcn en comitesibm.org
Jue Jun 11 19:00:54 CEST 2009

IBM tiene una política cada vez más agresiva para maximizar los 
beneficios, para ello utiliza cualquier medio a su alcance, bordeando si 
no vulnerando, la legalidad, recortando los derechos económicos de los 

Los últimos ejemplos los tenemos desde la eliminación de la cafetería de 
Barcelona a la supresión del ADSL, el esperpéntico aumento del precio de 
la cafetería en Madrid, el cierre de la sucursal y despido de la 
delegada sindical de Donostia, etc....

La empresa sabe que estos actos son denunciados tanto por los 
trabajadores como en especial por sus representantes sindicales y por 
tanto que estos son un fuerte obstáculo para imponer unilateralmente su 

En lugar de optar por el diálogo, la respuesta de una IBM cada vez más 
decimonónica es la agresión directa a los representantes sindicales, 
p.ej. en Francia pretenden abrir expediente sancionador al delegado José 
Sainz y en Italia la suspensión de empleo y sueldo a Davide Barillari 
también representante sindical por su acción en Facebook.

Os adjuntamos los correos donde se cuentan los hechos y las acciones (el 
enlace en donde os podéis solidarizar con estos compañeros - en francés 
-, os ha de enviar un mensaje de confirmación a vuestro correo 


Comités de Empresa de IBM e IGS


Hi all IWIS members,
I've just signed the online petition for solidarity to Jose Sainz. I 
hope that all the french unions will be united to defend Jose... and 
also our unions, in our countries around the world.
Remember the IWIS motto: an injury to one is an injury to all !!!
I'm also having big problems: I received some days ago a disciplinary 
action (3 days without work and pay) cause I've organized an online 
petition in Facebook against IBM's managers privileges. They went all to 
a 4days full-payd holiday in a beauty farm, with their 
wife/children...during the IBM US jobcuts. 262 italian IBM employees 
signed the petition in Facebook...and now I received the "revenge" for 
my unionist activity using new web 2.0 tools for our protests.
I'm discussing with a lawyer.... but it's very clear, expecially for me 
and Jose.... the young and more active unionists are very dangerous for 
the IBM management. We are simply doing our role, defending 
workers...but IBM wants to stop us.
We see that IBM is facing the financial crisys reducing "costs and 
rights" for all IBM employees, and to full enable this strategy IBM 
needs to weak the IBM unionists in every country.
So more problems to IBM Unions are expected...and we should be prepared 
to respond in a common way and voice.
Let's express our solidarity to Jose Sainz !!!! Please Anna, keep IWIS 
informed...and pls send me leaflefts in english, so I can traduce in 
italian and publish them in our union websites.
Davide Barillari
FLMUniti/CUB -unions 2.0- IBM Italy


To all IWIS members: IBM Management is trying to fire our unionist JOSE 
Let us sign the on-line petition for the defence of our companion José 
Sainz secretary of IBM CGT La Gaude which risks to be dismissed
to have defended a discriminated and harassed employee inside IBM.

No penalty against a unionist who was only doing his job by defending 
On May 22nd of this year José Sainz issues an appeal, to his union at 
the national level inside IBM as well as the others unions into the 
to defend a Sales representative IBM discriminated and harassed by his 
management. Today this employee is on illness, at home.
This action is done by sending numbers of e-mails to the higher 
management level to require the immediate stopping of the harassment victim
towards this employee.
For unique answer the IBM France management asks the local la Gaude 
management to rage and to summon José Sainz to an interview with the aim
of a penalty being able to go until *the firing of the unionist*.
Today to defend the employees is considered as an offence!  
The management must know that at the *CGT* our convictions do not change 
according to the threats and penalties.  José Sainz, as all his companions,
gave for mission to defend the interest of the employees and they will 
The preliminary interview with penalty which can go until dismissal, 
will take place on *Thursday, June 11th at 11:00 am at IBM La Gaude.  *
All other unionists will join José Sainz to support him during his 
Thanks to all for the unconditional defence of the labor-union liberties.

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