[Deuda-QdQ] para info, el CP de la Joint social conference, Bruselas 10 - 11 de marzo

Jérôme Duval djino68 en gmail.com
Sab Mar 12 16:40:34 CET 2011


el 10 y 11 de marzo tuvo lugar el encuentro de la Joint Social Conference
(movimientos sociales y sindicatos de Europa, ver :
http://www.jointsocialconference.eu/?lang=fr ) en Bruselas donde Myriam del
Cadtm Europa participó.

abajo un extracto de la declaración del CP donde appoyan *auditoria de
deudas publicas en países de Europa.*

un abrazo,

 On the 10 and 11th of March, representatives of trade unions, both national
and European,

NGOs and social networks from 15 EU countries (from both East and West) got
together for the first Spring *Joint Social Conference*. Extract of the
final declaration:

“The workers did not cause the crisis, but until now they have been the
victims. Enough is enough! The critical budgetary situation of the European
Union countries must be dealt with in a different way:

a.  by a fair tax system which, unlike the current trends, would weigh more
heavily on the

wealthy and on financial profits than it would upon  workers (i.e. a return
to progressive tax levels, a European tax on financial transactions, the
abolishing of tax havens, the introduction of a minimum European corporate

b.  by an audit of the public debts of the European Union countries: we
cannot accept that the

future of one or more generations should be mortgaged because of a debt,
which is  to a large

degree actually the debt of speculators and the financial system.”[1]


this first « spring Sociale conference »
were present : *Unions:* CGIL- It ; Cartel Alfa – Ro ; CGT – Fr ; CSDR – Ro
; FO – Fr ; FGTB – Be ; FSU – Fr ; CSC – Be ; CISL – It ; CIG Galicia

– Sp ; CGTP-In – Po ; Fagforbundet – No ; ELA – pays Basque ; ESK – pays
basque ; BNS – Ro ; MSZOSZ – Hu ; MOSZ – Hu ; Solidaires – Fr

*International unions :* ETUC; ITUC, EPSU

*Movements :* Attac (Fr Be All) ; CADTM Europe; Transnational
Institute ;  European
Anti Poverty Network ; Réseau Justice Fiscale ; Transform (Ostereich ;
Tchèque Rep ; Poland) ; Seattle to Brussels network ; Caritas Europe ;
Association européenne des Droits de l’Homme ; LDH France; Forum Italiano
dei Movimenti per l’Acqua ; Nordic Welfare Campaign ; MAIS – It ; Les
économistes atterrés ; Conf of kurdish associations Europe ; CEO – Corporate
Europe Observatory ; Romanian Social Forum; Global Social Justice ;
euromarches ; Degrowth ; Global Alliance for Immediate Alteration - Nl
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