[Deuda-QdQ] Semana de Acción Global contra la Deuda Externa y las IFIs, 12 - 18 octubre 2009
Tom Kucharz - Ecologistas en Acción
agroecologia en ecologistasenaccion.org
Vie Ago 28 20:53:41 CEST 2009
Estimadas/os amigas/os:
Adjunto la versión en inglés del llamado internacional para la Semana de
Acción Global contra la Deuda Externa y las IFIs (12 - 18 octubre 2009),
la versión en castellano llegará pronto, pero por lo urgente del asunto,
lo enviamos ya en inglés, es urgente que la campaña ¿Quién debe a quién?
tome decisiones cuando antes sobre la convocatoria de la Semana de
Acción Global contra la Deuda Externa y las IFIs y para definir las
acciones. Para tales fines y para empezar a tratar el asunto, proponemos
una reunión por skype el día 3 de septiembre a las 18.00 de la tarde
(por favor enviar confirmación o desacuerdo, así como vuestro nombre
skype a ese correo, NO A LA LISTA para no saturarla, gracias).
Un abrazo grande,
Ecologistas en Acción
Hello everybody ¡!
This has taken much longer to get together than anyone hoped or thought,
but in the process there has been a fair amount of informal consultation
and discussion around two important aspects of the Week: the dates, and
the themes/central demands. The following proposals seek to reflect
what is as close to some consensus as we have been able to secure - but
now is the time for additional comments and suggestions before we move
beyond the movements and organizations most directly involved in the S-N
Campaign on Illegitimate Debt, for further endorsements
DATES: The proposal is to confirm the dates of the WEEK this year, for
OCTOBER 12 - 18. Organizing around those dates is already well underway
in several countries, and they seem to be the best compromise possible,
particularly at this late date. There seem always to be two conflicting
perspectives: either that the WEEK needs to stand on its own, to enable
us to really focus on Debt and the IFIs; or that the WEEK is best
overlapping with other key struggles and constituencies, lending
strength to efforts to articulate. An initial proposal, launched from
the World Social Forum in Belem in order to insure inclusion of the Week
in various Calendars, was a 10 day period from October 7 - 17, seeking
to join this year's IMF/WB meeting dates in Turkey (October 5-7), with
the Call of Indigenous peoples for global action in Defense of Mother
Earth (originally October 12, now Oct. 12 - 16), and the "standing
dates" of October 15 - Debt Repudiation Day in honor of Thomas Sankara;
October 16 - food sovereignty; and October 17 - poverty eradication.
We all have busy schedules this Fall/Spring - taking into consideration
just the G20 mobilizations planned for Pittsburgh (Sept. 24-26), the
Annual Meetings in Turkey, additional G20 meets in UK later on - and
all the Climate agenda. Many have expressed strong feeling that we need
to retain the idea of a WEEK (7 days in most calendars), so that was
another consideration. Request: agreeing that the process has not been
as good as many of us would have liked, we hope that there can be
agreement to at least live with these dates this year¿?¡! Strong
objections should be heard... but hopefully they will be few at best.
THEMES: General consensus on continuing the thrust of last year's focus
CRISIS and in particular, REJECTION OF FALSE SOLUTIONS to Debt, Climate,
Economic, Food, etc crises. The following draft CALL seeks to set a
general tone, in as short a text as possible. NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE
YOUR SUGGESTIONS ON THE DRAFT CALL, keeping in mind that one of the key
objectives of the Week is to reach out and help build new alliances and
that everyone locally, nationally, can and will add their own special
info and demands, shape and use the call as appropriate. Not every
demand nor every nuance can be included in one short statementl ¡! Many
fortunate folk seem to be on holidays these days, but let's try to have
everyone's suggestions and CONFIRMATION OF INITIAL ENDORSEMENTS by
Friday, September 4, so as to incorporate, and unless there are major
issues to be sorted out, be ready to initiate more broad-based call for
sign-ons, the following Monday.
ORGANIZATION: Thus far, it is primarily ODG in Spain, JDC in UK, and
JSglobally that have been trying to stoke the fire. Please let us know
who can help support global promotions for the Week, and how (¿graphics?
web design and/or maintenance? translations? news and press work? etc...).
Meawhile, all the best for your organizing efforts¡! We look forward
to hearing/receiving your news and info
Beverly Keene
Jubilee South
Draft version for comments and endorsements
October 12 – 18, 2009
Week of Global Action against Debt and the IFI’s
No More False Solutions:
People and the Planet need Debt Cancellation and Reparations, NOW!
The global financial and economic crisis has devastating consequences on
the lives of millions of people the world over, both South and North,
and on our common home, the planet Earth. Together with the food,
climate, and fuel crises, it has led to massive job and wage losses,
cut-backs in the provision of basic human rights to healthcare,
education, housing, water, electricity, and social security, violent
evictions from land and territories, increased concentration of
corporate control and exploitation of natural resources, and a rise in
racist, gender, religious, and sexual discrimination, among others. The
costs of this truly systemic crisis continue to rise, including also
skyrocketing social crisis and heightened militarization, war, and
criminalization of protest, even while the profits of speculators and
other vultures begin to rebound.
Debt levels throughout the global South are suffering as well from the
impact of these crises unleashed in the heart of the global capitalist
economy, as a result of policies designed to favor the free flow of
capital in a market that was declared to be self-correcting. As a
result, a new debt bomb is set to explode: reduced earnings and taxes,
falling remittances from migrant workers, and heightened social,
economic, and environmental demands is pushing many South governments
into a desperate search for the nearest money-lender, wiping out any
recent gains and again falling prey to those who offer little if
anything besides more illegitimate debt.
The debt that is accumulating is not just financial however. The false
solutions being promoted to the finance, climate, food, and fuel crises
are provoking a potentially irreversible increase in the ecological,
climate, social, and economic debts owed to the peoples especially of
the South. Among those false solutions we could cite new lending for
crisis needs or for agrofuels, megaenergy projects or so-called clean
development mechanisms; conditioned, lender-driven debt relief; the
carbon market and giving a central role to “time to retire” institutions
such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Financial
Stability Forum, or the World Trade Organization. Instead of
recognizing the need for fundamental transformation of a system whose
failure has become increasingly evident, guaranteeing compensation and
reparations for their responsibility in provoking a criminal crisis and
the disproportionate use of the world’s wealth and natural resources,
the responses of Northern governments – in particular the G7-,
corporations and their complices in the South have aimed at saving the
system and profiting from the crises on the backs of the same peoples
and countries that for a long time now have been paying the costs of
their enrichment.
Enough is enough! We, the peoples, must unite locally and globally to
build alternative ways of life for all, the buen vivir of equity and
equilibrium, without debts or domination. We thus call on all movements
and organizations, on people everywhere, to join forces in the WEEK OF
GLOBAL ACTION AGAINST DEBT AND IFIs, October 12-18, 2009. Together with
Indigenous Peoples who are calling us to action in Defense of Mother
Earth, October 12-16, and uniting the struggle for freedom from debt
domination and financial capitalism with the struggles for climate
justice (October 13), food sovereignty (October 16) and Poverty
Eradication (October 17), let us mobilize for lasting solutions that
will make another world, a just world, possible. Take action and demand:
* Cancellation of all illegitimate financial debts without
* Restitution and reparations for ecological, climate, economic,
social and historical debts, on the basis of comprehensive and
participatory audits
* Respect for the sovereign right of countries to stop servicing
debt claims in order to meet their human and environmental rights
* Solutions to the economic, climate, energy and food crises that
neither increase the debt burden on South peoples and the environment
nor the militarization and criminalization of social protest
* Creation of new financial institutions and global and regional
financial architecture that put people and the planet before profits and
corporate power.
The peoples of the South do not owe and should not pay!
Reparations Now for Climate and Ecological Debt!
Coordinadora Internacional/
International Coordinator
Piedras 730
1070 Buenos Aires, Argentina
T/F +5411-43071867
beverly en jubileesouth.org
skype: BeverlyKeene
Más información sobre la lista de distribución Deuda-2005