[REpensar Barcelona] [IAI-Europe] Vote the IAI logo!

International Alliance of Inhabitants info en habitants.org
Sab Mayo 26 12:22:19 CEST 2007


Newsletter Europe 

Vote the IAI Logo! 
 >>> from 16th to May 31, 2007 <<<

[english <#English>]  [français <#Francais>]  [español <#Espanol>]  
[italiano <#Italiano>]

*VOTE THE LOGO! <http://eng.habitants.org/iai_logo/iai_logo>*

*Vote for the best logo for the International **Alliance** of 
Inhabitants from May 16th to **May 31, 2007*

The flurry of ideas which have come from 13 countries to make up the 51 
potential logos demonstrates the extent of the commitment of creative 
people the world over in support of the right to housing. It is for this 
reason that, first and foremost, we would like to thank everybody for 
the creativity and quality of their suggestions, which are now posted on 
this website.
It will be difficult to choose, from amongst all these entries, the one 
logo which will become the International Alliance of Inhabitants' 
symbol, representative of those who fight for housing rights without 
borders. We therefore invite everyone to vote, according to the 
guidelines of the competition 
<http://en.habitants.org/article/articleview/1849/1/489/> , to help the 
IAI Coordination Committee to make the right decision.

*You can vote between May 16 and **May 31, 2007**.*

The winner will be officially introduced during the launch of the new 
IAI portal in June 2007.

*To be able to vote it is necessary to register 
<http://eng.habitants.org/user/register> here and login 
<http://eng.habitants.org/user/login> here.*

 >> <http://newsletter.altranet.it//lt.php?id=exlUVFQHWgFTRAJTBxoFDlRQ>


*VOTA EL LOGO! <http://esp.habitants.org/iai_logo/iai_logo>***

*Tu voto para elegir el logo de International Alliance of Inhabitants** 
desde el 16 hasta el 31 de mayo de 2007*

51 propuestas de logo provenientes de 13 países son una ráfaga de ideas 
que demuestran el importante compromiso solidario de creativos de todo 
el mundo para sostener el derecho a la vivienda.
Por eso, ante todo, queremos agradecer a todos por la frescura y la 
calidad de las propuestas que se pueden admirar en esta página web.
No será fácil elegir entre éstos el símbolo de International Alliance of 
Inhabitants que identifique a los que luchan por el derecho a la 
vivienda sin fronteras.
Es por eso que invitamos a todos a expresar su voto que, junto con las 
*reglas del concurso 
<http://es.habitants.org/article/articleview/1847/1/487/>*, será una 
indicación importante para las evaluaciones y las decisiones del Comité 
de coordinación IAI.

*Se puede votar desde el 16 hasta el 31/05/07*

El Logo ganador será presentado oficialmente en ocasión del lanzamiento 
del nuevo portal de IAI en junio de 2007.

*Para poder votar es necesario registrarse 
<http://esp.habitants.org/user/register>** en el portal y efectuar el 
login <http://esp.habitants.org/user/login>**.*

 >> <http://newsletter.altranet.it//lt.php?id=exlUVFQHWgFXRAJTBxoFDlRQ>


*VOTE LE LOGO! <http://fre.habitants.org/iai_logo/iai_logo>*

Votre vote por choisir le logo de l'International Alliance of 
Inhabitants, du 16 au 31 mai 2007

Le tourbillon d'idées que constituent les 51 propositions de logo venant 
de 13 pays démontre l'importance et la solidarité de l'engagement des 
gens créatifs du monde entier en faveur du droit au logement.
C'est pour cela qu'avant tout nous voulons remercier tous les 
participants pour l'originalité et la qualité de leurs propositions, que 
vous pouvez admirer sur cette page internet.
Il sera difficile de choisir entre toutes ces propositions le symbole de 
l'International Alliance of Inhabitants, représentatif de ceux qui 
luttent pour un droit au logement sans frontières.
Nous vous invitons donc tous à exprimer votre vote personnel qui, 
conjointement aux lignes directrices du concours 
<http://fr.habitants.org/article/articleview/1848/1/488/>, sera une 
importante indication pour les évaluations et les décisions du Comité de 
Coordination IAI.
Les votes seront ouverts du 16 au 31 mai 2007.*

Le logo choisi sera officiellement présenté lors du lancement du nouveau 
portail d'IAI en juin 2007.

*Pour pouvoir voter il est nécessaire s' enregistrer 
<http://fre.habitants.org/user/register> au portail et effectuer le 
login <http://fre.habitants.org/user/login>.*

 >> <http://newsletter.altranet.it//lt.php?id=exlUVFQHWgFURAJTBxoFDlRQ>


***VOTA IL LOGO! <http://ita.habitants.org/iai_logo/iai_logo>*

*Il vostro voto per indicare il logo dell'International Alliance of 
Inhabitants dal 16 al 31 maggio 2007*

51 proposte di logo provenienti da 13 paesi sono una ventata di idee che 
dimostrano l'impegno importante e solidale dei creativi di tutto il 
mondo a sostegno del diritto alla casa.
Perciò, innanzitutto, ringraziamo tutti per la freschezza e la qualità 
delle proposte che potete ammirare in questa pagina web.
Sarà difficile scegliere tra queste il simbolo dell'International 
Alliance of Inhabitants, identificativo di coloro che lottano per il 
diritto alla casa senza confini.
Perciò invitiamo tutti ad esprimere il proprio voto che, assieme alle 
linee-guida del concorso linee guida 
<http://it.habitants.org/article/articleview/1846/1/486/> sarà 
un'indicazione importante per le valutazioni e le decisioni del Comitato 
di coordinamento IAI.

*Potete votare dal 16 al 31/5/07 *

Il Logo vincitore sarà ufficialmente presentato in occasione del lancio 
del nuovo portale di IAI nel giugno 2007.

*Per poter votare è necessario registrarsi 
<http://ita.habitants.org/user/register> al portale ed effettuare il 
login <http://ita.habitants.org/user/login>* *

 >> <http://newsletter.altranet.it//lt.php?id=exlUVFQHWgJTRAJTBxoFDlRQ>

  International Alliance of Inhabitants

The Alliance originates as a network of inhabitants' grassroots 
associations and territorial social movements: an intercultural 
movement, inclusive, autonomous, independent, self-governing, and 
available to coordinate with other similar associations pursuing the 
same goals. Read... 
According to the art. 13 with art.13 of D.Lgs. 196/03, your e-mail 
address is exclusively used for receiving IAI news.
To unsuscribe, go to the list management page 
*International Alliance of Inhabitants*
[ e-mail: info en habitants.org ][ web: http://www.habitants.org 
<http://newsletter.altranet.it//lt.php?id=exlUVFQHWgBaRAJTBxoFDlRQ> ]

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