[REpensar Barcelona] [IAI-Europe] European conference: Self-recovery and Self-building for social housing (Rome, April 5 2007)

International Alliance of Inhabitants info en habitants.org
Sab Mar 31 19:25:21 CEST 2007



Newsletter Special
April 2007

[english <#English>]  [français <#Francais>]  [español <#Espanol>]  
[italiano <#Italiano>]

Inhabitants of Europe 
Self-recovery and Self-building: Forms and policies of a new public 
service for social housing
*European conference
Rome, April 5 2007
Campidoglio, Sala della Protomoteca*

/Self-recovery/ and /Self-building/ for residential purposes aims at 
shaping the innovating, sometimes conflicting ideas which are generated 
from society into the form of partnership and at making more profitable 
state investments combining town planning policies with the social, 
residential and economic ones and, consequently, controlling the many 
factors which originate social exclusion and city degradation.

*The program 
 >> <http://newsletter.altranet.it//lt.php?id=exlUVFYCUw1QRAJSARoFDlRQ>

Habitantes de Europa 
Autorecuperación y Autoconstrucción: formas y políticas de un nuevo 
servicio público para la vivienda social
*Congreso Europeo
Roma 5 de abril de 2007
Campidoglio, Sala della Protomoteca*

La /Autorecuperación/ y la /Autoconstrucción/ con fines residenciales 
pretenden recuperar de forma asociativa las propuestas innovadoras 
emergentes de la sociedad, a veces en forma conflictiva, incrementando 
la eficacia de la inversión pública a través de la integración de las 
políticas urbanas con las políticas sociales, residenciales y económicas 
para gobernar la complejidad de factores que se encuentran en la base de 
la exclusión y de la degradación urbana.

*El programa 
 >> <http://newsletter.altranet.it//lt.php?id=exlUVFYCUw1URAJSARoFDlRQ>

Habitants d'Europe 
Autoréhabilitation et Autoconstruction: formes et politiques d'un 
nouveau service public du logement social
*Congrès européen *
*Rome, le 5 avril 2007*
*Campidoglio, Sala della Protomoteca*

L'/Autoréhabilitation/ et l'/Autoconstruction/ à fins résidentielles 
tentent de se saisir de manière partenariale des propositions innovantes 
émergeant de la société, parfois de façon conflictuelle, et visant à 
augmenter l'efficacité de l'investissement public par l'intégration des 
politiques urbanistiques et des politiques sociales, résidentielles et 
économiques afin de traiter la complexité des facteurs à l'origine des 
exclusions et de la dégradation de l'environnement urbain.

*Le programme 
 >> <http://newsletter.altranet.it//lt.php?id=exlUVFYCUgRTRAJSARoFDlRQ>

Abitanti d'Europa 
Autorecupero e Autocostruzione: forme e politiche di un nuovo servizio 
pubblico per l'alloggio sociale
*Convegno europeo
Roma 5 aprile 2007
Campidoglio, Sala della Protomoteca*

L' /Autorecupero/ e l'/Autocostruzione/ ai fini residenziali intendono 
recuperare in forma partenariale le proposte innovative emergenti dalla 
società, talvolta in modo conflittuale, incrementando l'efficacia 
dell'investimento pubblico attraverso l'integrazione delle politiche 
urbanistiche con quelle sociali residenziali ed economiche per governare 
la complessità dei fattori che sono all'origine dell'esclusione e del 
degrado urbano.

*Il programma 
 >> <http://newsletter.altranet.it//lt.php?id=exlUVFYCUgRQRAJSARoFDlRQ>

  International Alliance of Inhabitants

The Alliance originates as a network of inhabitants' grassroots 
associations and territorial social movements: an intercultural 
movement, inclusive, autonomous, independent, self-governing, and 
available to coordinate with other similar associations pursuing the 
same goals. Read... 
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*International Alliance of Inhabitants*
[ e-mail: info en habitants.org ][ web: http://www.habitants.org 
<http://newsletter.altranet.it//lt.php?id=exlUVFYCUw1RRAJSARoFDlRQ> ]

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