[Agroecologia] Making S.O.A.P: 28th Sept-5th Oct. A training course on exploring sustainable approaches to work, life and education

Ariadna Pomar ariadnapl en hotmail.com
Jue Sep 4 10:16:33 UTC 2014

Reenvio un curs interessant a Soria que organitza la cooperativa La Noguera Medinaceli.

Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 10:52:24 -0600
Subject: Making S.O.A.P: 28th Sept-5th Oct. A training course on exploring sustainable approaches to work, life and education
From: sara.mingorria en gmail.com
To: eco-eco en lists.riseup.net

Hi everybody!!

The cooperativa  La Noguera Medinaceli (where I am focusing on) is so happy to invite you all to 
the amazing training course:

 "Making SOAP": Sustainable Options for Active 
People, in Medinaceli, Soria-Spain 
28th september to 5th october.

For more information:

It is a training course on exploring sustainable approaches to work, life and education. Also, we think  that it is an inspiring opportunity for dreamers and people who love working in and with nature.

During one week, 28 people from 12 countries (Italy, Czech Republic, Turkey, Cyprus, Portugal,Romania, Hungary, Greece, Poland, Croatia, Sweden and Spain) living in a small community, sharing their knowledge and experiencing new approaches and visions, will focus on how to take the most of the local -natural and human- resources, to build a different kind of development based on growing in social relations, mutual learning and respect.


We will use a variety of non-formal methods, based in experiential learning and self-directed learning, combining group work and dynamics, games, discussions and personal reflection. Participants are expected to take a central role, and their active participation will be the most important income for the course and its development.

We want to provoke, through experiential learning, a reflection on whether the paradigm of productivity is providing people with opportunities for having a job, personal development and general welfare, and for how long can it go on with the limited resources of the planet. And also, we'll try to think of the existing alternatives to that kind of development, if they can accomplish people's expectations in life and what is needed to achieve them.

This training course is financed by ERASMUS + Program, and your travel cost will be reimbursed.

30 EUR will be deducted as a contribution towards the project costs. Exceptions to this fee are possible after evaluation from the organizers in a case by case basis, to be discussed during the last day of the project.

The working language will be English.

										Contact for questions:
											Lucía Fernández de Soto

											E-Mail: makingsoaptc en gmail.com
											Phone: +34 650144249



Mingorría PhD candidate  

Institut de Ciència i Tecnología Ambientals
ICTA-ICP, Edifici Z

Carrer de les columnes
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 

Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès-Barcelona)



systems lab. Dpt. Ecology 

Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)

Campus de Cantoblanco, Madrid 



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