[Agroecologia] 3 Cursos de Permacultura en Catalunya, Verano/Otoño 2012

Alfred alfred en permacultura-bcn.org
Dom Mayo 6 13:10:58 CEST 2012

3 Cursos de Permacultura en Catalunya, Verano/Otoño 2012

Nota: La gran mayoría de las actividades ofrecidas por Permacultura Barcelona, o gente vinculada con el grupo, estará en castellano o català. Pero de vez en cuando estarán en ingles o francés, con traducción si hay bastante interés. Estos tres cursos estarán en ingles, por ejemplo… 

* Introduction to Permaculture Weekend
29 June – 1 July, Boodaville

A weekend at The Boodaville Project with hands on workshops, outdoor living, wild swimming and delicious local/organic food. 

This practical course is designed to inspire you to apply sustainable design techniques to your immediate environment—whether you live in an apartment, house, or a rural location. The basic principles of permaculture can be applied to gardening, farming, architecture, construction, community work, and activism for people and the planet. So our small group for the weekend could involve people from diverse backgrounds who are interested in that key question “What is permaculture?” 

As well as these sessions we offer, hiking, optional visits to town, some Boodaville storytelling by Anna Gurney, founder of the project and most importantly we promise that having  fun is a priority of the weekend.

More information: https://boodaville.wordpress.com/upcoming-events/eco-living-and-introduction-to-permaculture-weekend/


* Introduction to Permaculture Course
6 – 10 July, Can Nova

Over the course of four days and four nights, we will cover the foundations of permaculture design theory and practice. Permaculture principles can be applied to any region, any place, any landscape, any city. Permaculture uses whole system thinking to consciously create productive environments that mimic the diversity, stability and resilience of natural systems. No chemicals and no excuses. Just good, thoughtful, innovative and effective design to meet our needs and find solutions to our problems: environmental, economic and social.

More info: http://cannova.net/es/component/eventbooking/?task=view_event&event_id=9&Itemid=249


* Permaculture & Deep Ecology: A nature-based practice & study event
September 22-29, Ecodharma Centre (Catalan Pyrenees)

This course explores both the practical wisdom and the theoretical underpinnings of a shift to a life-sustaining future – set within a framework of nature and dharma based learning. It draws together the practical wisdom of permaculture design, experiential nature-based practice, and the theoretical foundations of deep & radical ecology. It weaves together study, meditation, and hands on learning.

More info: http://www.ecodharma.com/courses-events/2011/08/24/permaculture-deep-ecology

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