[Agroecologia] Sustaining Resistance, Curso en INGLES. 10-18 Noviembre 2012, Pallars Jussa

dakini en riseup.net dakini en riseup.net
Jue Jun 28 17:53:43 CEST 2012

Hola a todo

Recentamente he enviado un mensaje a listas de correos con informacion
sobre un curso de dos dias que se llama Resistencia Sostenible, en
catalan, para empezar una exploracion de esta tema con activistas de
catalunya. Este curso es en Septiembre, el dia 14-16, en Pallars Jussa.

Cada ano hacemos dos cursos mas largo y intenso EN INGLES tambien, con
activistas de Inglaterra, Alemana, Holanda y muchos mas sitios en Europea.
La proxima curso de diez dias es en Noviembre dia 10-18. Si te apatece mas
informacion es abajo en ingles. Tanpoco estara en nuestro centro en
pallars jussa.

lou xxx

Please see below information about this winter¨s Sustaining Resistance course

If you are interested to attend the ten day course this year in Spain,
please e mailus at susres en ecodharma.com for an application form. Places
are funded, though participants are responsible for travel costs. The
course is in english.

We have also been running the courses in the UK and Germany, so if you
cannot make this one, look out for other opportunities next year on our

Sustaining Resistance, Empowering Renewal
10th to 18th November 2012

Tools for Effective Sustainable Activism
10 day workshop in the Catalan Pyranees

This workshop, hosted in a wild part of the catalan pyranees, offers
personal and collective tools to make our activism more effective. They
can help us stay in it for the long haul, creating personal sustainability
and adding continuity to our movement building. They can also ensure the
collective dimensions of our activism exemplify the values we struggle
for. They can help us stay inspired, nourished, empowered and
strategically creative.

The workshop applies ecological/systems thinking, radical analysis and
holistic-participatory learning to the practice of activism and the
building of social movements. It offers practical methods for engaging in
the inner work that underpins effective social engagement. It will also
bring together activists from across Europe to share practice and
strengthen networks. Funding is available for some participants, but
places are limited.

Information or application form e mail
susres en ecodharma.com

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