[Agroecologia] [Información ASAP] Video-spot: Lavado verde de la "soja asesina"

guillem guillemta en gmail.com
Mie Mar 30 10:49:29 CEST 2011

On 30/03/11 09:51, Tom Kucharz - Ecologistas en Acción wrote:
> Castellano http://bit.ly/sojamata-animacion
> *New animation video exposes soy greenwash *
> Detective Pig investigates soy production in South America and finds 
> out the truth behind a new label for 'responsible' soy. This label 
> will be launched on the European market this spring by the Round Table 
> on Responsible Soy (RTRS), a voluntary certification scheme supported 
> by agribusiness including Monsanto and Unilever, and a few NGOs 
> including WWF. This new animation video leads watchers to a petition 
> that asks retailers and other soy users to not mislead consumers by 
> this 'responsible' label, but rather move to real solutions which 
> would lead to a shift away from soy imports and factory farming. 
> Already over 15.000 people have sent this message to amongst others 
> Carrefour, Unilever and Tesco. The animation is available in English, 
> French, Dutch, Spanish, German and Danish.
> English http://bit.ly/toxicsoy-animation
> Deutsch http://bit.ly/giftsoja-animation
> Castellano http://bit.ly/sojamata-animacion
> Francais http://bit.ly/sojatoxique-animation
> Dansk http://bit.ly/giftsoja-animation-dk
> Nederlands http://bit.ly/gifsoja-animatie
> -- 
> Ecologistas en Acción
> Área Agroecología y Soberanía Alimentaria
> c/ Marques de Leganés 12 - 28004 Madrid
> Teléfono fijo: +34 91 531 27 39
> Teléfono móvil: +34 619 94 90 53
> Fax: +34 91 531 26 11
> Correo electrónico:agroecologia en ecologistasenaccion.org
> www.climate-justice-now.org
> www.hablamosdeeuropa.org
> www.enlazandoalternativas.org
> www.ecologistasenaccion.org
> www.quiendebeaquien.org
> www.alianzasoberanialimentaria.org
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