[Agroecologia] Curso OMGs: Política internacional y ciencia
amaranta en moviments.net
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Dom Dic 3 15:07:53 CET 2006
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Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals
Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (ICTA)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
29 January-15 February 2007 -- 11:00 ? 13:30
- Dr. Phil Bereano - University of Washington
- Dr. Éric Darier ? Greenpeace & Université du Québec à Montréal
This seminar looks at the discourse surrounding modern biology and how
it shapes relevant public policy options and actual decision-making.
The contending ideological paradigms present in current policy
controversies regarding genetic engineering are identified and their
implications for political economy are explored. In particular, such
paradigms as biological reductionism; diversity (of species and human
social groupings), conceptions of ?nature? and ?indigenous people,?
notions of ownership, patentability and commodification of biological
materials, control and manipulation, etc. will be analyzed in terms of
their discourse imageries and their role in motivating the main
scientific governmental, entrepreneurial, consumer, environmental and
religious/ethical policy actions.
Grading: 10% short paper, 40% final paper, and 50% participation.
Day 1: Monday 29th January 2006: GMOs: Basic Introduction
Lecturer: Dr. Éric Darier
Day 2: Tuesday 30th January : Science and Public Policy; Case Studies
Lecturers: Dr. Éric Darier, Dr, Phil Bereano
Days 3, 4, and 5: Wednesday 31st January, Thursday 1st February,
Monday, 5th February: Risk Assessment, the Precautionary principle,
Citizen Participation Lecturer: Dr. Phil Bereano
Days 6, 7 and 8: Tuesday 6th February, Wednesday 7th February,
Thursday 8th February: Sustainable Agriculture and GMOs. Lecturer:
Dr. Éric Darier
Day 9: Monday 12 th February: GMOs and ?Development;? Indiginous Concerns
Lecturer: Dr. Éric Darier
Days 10, 11: Tuesday 13 th February, Wednesday 14 th February:
International Regimes: Biosafety Protocol , Codex Alimentarius, World
Trade Organization
Lecturer: Dr. Phil Bereano
Day 12: Thursday 15th February: Student presentations. Lecturers: Dr.
Phil Bereano & Dr. Éric Darier
More info & registrations: amaranta2 en linuxmail.org
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