[Agroecologia] [Fwd: Fw: Lets Liberate Diversity (Poitiers, France)]

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Jue Sep 29 14:05:57 CEST 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: GENET [mailto:coordination en genet-info.org]
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 6:04 AM
To: GENET-forum
Subject: Lets Liberate Diversity (Poitiers, France)

Betreff: Fwd: Lets Liberate Diversity, Poitiers, France nov 2005:
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2005 17:42 Uhr
Von: Bob Brac de la Perrière <brac en bede-asso.org>

European seminar on seeds
«Lets liberate diversity!»
25 and 26 November 2005 in Poitiers

Bagnolet, 26 July 2005

Dear Sir or Madam,

On the 25 and 26 November, the National Coordination for the Defense of
Farm Seeds (CNDSF) and the Peasant Seed Network (Réseau Semences
Paysannes) are co-organising a European seminar on the theme of seeds and
biodiversity in Poitiers, France.

In 1999, the CNDSF organised a European seminar around the theme: "Which
future for farm seeds?" This seminar put into light the economic and
technical factors that were aimed at restricting the right for farmers to
reproduce and exchange their seeds. In 2003, a seminar in Auzeville gave
birth to the Réseau Semences Paysannes around the idea that farmers have
the inalienable right to cultivate their own seeds and develop
biodiversity in their farms.

Ever since, the pressures against farmers have increased and intensified
with the recent adoption of the European directive which recognizes the
right to patent genetic resources. These new orientations will contribute
to the exclusion of small farmers from their ancestral right to resow,
select, sort and exchange their seeds.

This new seminar which is mainly open to agriculture organisations and
European NGOs working for the defence of diverse genetic resources and
agriculture practices, will be aimed at evaluating the noted evolutions
and understanding the new strategies and orientations on seeds. An
international pilot committee composed of representatives of European
organisations (CPE, AbL, CROCEVIA, GRAIN, Red de Semillas, UK Food Group,
Semi Rurali) met in July to finalise the program.

An substantial part of the seminar will be used to debate in workshops,
in order to reflect and elaborate a European level strategy with regards to:
The patenting of life forms.
The right to resow harvested seeds
The right to swap seeds.

The protection of 'peasant varieties'.
The access of small farmers to phytogenetic resources.
The protection against genetic contaminations from GMOs.

All these questions are at the heart of the debate between industrial or
'peasant-style' agricultures, between food sovereignty or the dependence
towards a handful of large seed companies, between the protection of
biodiversity in the fields or its limitation to a few gene banks.

This seminar will bring together around 150 people (agriculture
organisations, NGOs, researchers, farmers, politicians...) coming from over
20 countries.

Considering the aims and ambitions of your organisation on the afore-
mentioned themes, we invite you to return to us before the 30 September
the completed form indicating the people that will be mandated to
represent your organisation during the seminar.

We hope that you will be able to attend the seminar.

Yours sincerely,

For the organising committee

Jean Pierre Delage    Guy Kastler
Président of the CNDSF Président, Réseau semences Paysannes

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