[Redcercana] Fw: [womeninblack] Fw: Women in Black; 1325 Award The Netherlands

leonor taboada leonortaboadaawanadoo.es
Dij Abr 6 11:28:50 CEST 2006

Messagequeridas, nos recuerdo la importancia del tema de la 1325 ...besos mil 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Lieve Snellings 
To: womeninblackalistas.nodo50.org 
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 8:15 PM
Subject: [womeninblack] Fw: Women in Black; 1325 Award The Netherlands

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jill Small 

While this isn't appropriate for the UK WiB website, might it be of interest to circulate amongst the wider WiB community?  


-----Original Message-----
From: Nienke Meijer [mailto:Meijerapso.nl] 

Dear Madam, Sir,


With this e-mail, I would like to make an inquiry about publication possibilities of the 1325 Award on your Women in Black website.


1325 Award


The Dutch Women in Conflict Situations and Peacekeeping Taskforce presents the 1325 Award. This award aims to honour and encourage an individual or a civil society organization in a conflict country or region that has developed groundbreaking and effective initiatives to promote the rights of women and to increase their participation at decision-making levels in peace processes. In short, the 1325 Award aims to reward those who have contributed to the implementation of Resolution 1325, passed by the United Nations Security Council on 30 October 2000. By passing this Resolution, the Council agreed to:


-          Increase the participation of women at decision-making levels in peace-processes;

-          Mainstream a gender perspective into peace keeping operations and programmes for demobilisation, disarmament and reintegration of ex-combatants;

-          Protect women and children, prevent gender-based and other types of violence and end impunity of those who commit such crimes.


The 1325 Award contributes to the implementation of Resolution 1325. The award is an initiative of the Women in Conflict Situations and Peacekeeping Taskforce in the Netherlands. This taskforce is installed by the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment, acting in agreement with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the State Secretary of Defence. The Taskforce aims to increase the role of women in conflict prevention, conflict resolution and (at an international level) post-conflict reconstruction. One of the means to do so, is giving out the 1325 Award. This award consists of:


-          a sum of € 15,000 of prize money, 

-          a work of art made exclusively for the occasion, 

-          a tour through the Netherlands to present the prize-winner’s work to a diversity of audiences in the Netherlands


Organizations (governmental, non-governmental, UN affiliated, civil society, embassies) are invited to nominate individuals or organizations as candidate for the 1325 Award. For information about the 1325 Award, nomination forms, criteria et cetera, please visit the website: www.1325award.nl




We are very much interested in announcing the 1325 Award on your website. 

Could you please inform me on the possibilities to announce the 1325 Award on your website and possible other practical Women in Black publications? 

E.g. is there the possibility to publish a news article or other information about the 1325 Award on your website or in your newsletter during our campaign? Is there the possibility to announce the 1325 Award by way of a link on your website to the 1325 Award website?


In case you have other information related to this inquiry, we would very much appreciate that as well.


I am looking forward hearing from you. In case you need more information, do not hesitate to contact me. 


Thank you very much in advance.


Yours Sincerely,

Ms. Nienke Meijer

PSO Capaciteitsopbouw in ontwikkelingslanden
Scheveningseweg 68
2517 KX  Den Haag

The Netherlands
(T) 070 3384 967
(F) 070 3502 705
(@) Meijerapso.nl
(I) www.pso.nl


womeninblack mailing list
this is the international WiB mailing-out list, for the INTERACTIVE WiB e-list, go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/interactiveWiB
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