<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:10pt">Things heating up bigtime, new article up, spread word<br><br><h1 class="article-title"><a href="http://www.indymedia.ie/article/100008">helicopters, gunshots, riot vans screaming, armed cavalcade blocked and turned away... M15 > J15</a></h1><br><p class="article-subtitle">#SpanishRevolution M15 > a month on</p>
<blockquote class="article-intro">helicopters, gunshots, lines of riot
vans screaming around, police cordoned hi speed car cavalcade blocked in
streets and turned away by protestors, old guys in the streets giving
that sideways hand shake... A month into the #SpanishRevolution and
things are really heating up.<br><br></blockquote> <p class="photo">
<a name="attachment1000058373"></a>
<a href="http://www.indymedia.ie/attachments/jun2011/parlament_14_15petit.png"><img class="summary-image" src="http://www.indymedia.ie/cache/imagecache/local/attachments/jun2011/460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_parlament_14_15petit.jpg" alt="acampadaBCN: take the square > take the parliament" title="Click on image to see full-sized version" height="283" width="200"></a><br>acampadaBCN: take the square > take the parliament</p><p class="photo"><br></p> The
park is blocked, many riot vans built a tunnel way of sorts to attempt
to get the ministers into the parliament, there had been shots with
rubber bullets since 7am and a bit of cop striking out. Thousands of
people were booing, hissing, jeering the politicians as they entered.
More people were arriving, blocking the outer ends of the police line...
It was becoming UNGOVERNABLE for the police. At around 9.30 a hi speed
police protected cavalcade flew down avenue meridinia to reach the back
of the police line, people saw the lights and ran towards the oncoming
politicians (the more important ones, maybe the president Arthur Mas?)
the crowds jumped infront of the cavalcade and stopped it, more people
ran to support, the car tried to go down the wrong way, but was blocked
again, it flew down a sidestreet. Many undercovers were running in this
crowd taking out objects from their hips. The cavalcade turned and sped
away, as quickly as it had entered; defeated, a win for the peaceful act
of civil disobedianace by the INDIGNADOS. About an hour later, we saw
the first helicpoter flying over, a firemen special yellow helicopter,
flying low and going into the still shut down public park that houses
the parliament. (ironically this park was built to house the fort of
repression built after the year long siege of Barcelona in 1714, and
only turned into a public space for the 1888 World fair, the irony is
not lost on the Catalans, they too know their history) More and more
have flown in, what is the cost of such an operation? Is it sustainable?
will the public not surely say "theres something really fucked up here,
the INDIGNADOS have a point". Even the press group, all with their
orange arm bands, were herded into a special section, to leave way for
movement of politicians and armed police. <br>
Old guys in the streets giving that sideways hand shake, means, more or less, "fucking hell, things are heavy in the streets".<br>
A month into the M15 (may 15) revolution and things have taken a big
step here in Barcelona, if it grows it will be ungovernable,
unmabageable. And chances are that is exactly how it will turn out. <br>
Live stream: <a href="http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tots-som-pla%C3%A7a-catalunya" title="http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tots-som-pla%C3%A7a-catalunya">http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tots-som-pla%C3%A7a-catalunya</a><br>
Catalan Tv live: <a href="http://www.tv3.cat/3alacarta/#/directes/TV3" title="http://www.tv3.cat/3alacarta/#/directes/TV3">http://www.tv3.cat/3alacarta/#/directes/TV3</a><br>
acampadaBCN updates: <a href="http://acampadadebarcelona.org/aturemelparlament/" title="http://acampadadebarcelona.org/aturemelparlament/">http://acampadadebarcelona.org/aturemelparlament/</a><br><br><a href="http://www.indymedia.ie/attachments/jun2011/321791223_1.jpg"><img class="standard-image" src="http://www.indymedia.ie/cache/imagecache/local/attachments/jun2011/460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_321791223_1.jpg" alt="1000's occupied the areas around the park to block parliament from meeting today" title="Click on image to see full-sized version" height="307" width="460"></a><br>1000's occupied the areas around the park to block parliament from meeting today<br><br>
<p class="article-photo">
<a name="attachment1000058375"></a>
<a href="http://www.indymedia.ie/attachments/jun2011/1308116609313.jpg"><img class="standard-image" src="http://www.indymedia.ie/cache/imagecache/local/attachments/jun2011/460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_1308116609313.jpg" alt="riot cops firing rubber bullets at 7am this morning in Barcelona" title="Click on image to see full-sized version" height="306" width="460"></a><br>riot cops firing rubber bullets at 7am this morning in Barcelona</p><p class="article-photo"><br> </p>
<p class="article-photo">
<a name="attachment1000058376"></a>
<a href="http://www.indymedia.ie/attachments/jun2011/321808004_1.jpg"><img class="standard-image" src="http://www.indymedia.ie/cache/imagecache/local/attachments/jun2011/460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_321808004_1.jpg" alt="No Passaran - They will not pass. The people of Barcelona have had enough" title="Click on image to see full-sized version" height="344" width="460"></a><br>No Passaran - They will not pass. The people of Barcelona have had enough</p><p class="article-photo"><br> </p>
<a name="attachment1000058377"></a>
<a href="http://www.indymedia.ie/attachments/jun2011/1308126232351.jpg"><img class="standard-image" src="http://www.indymedia.ie/cache/imagecache/local/attachments/jun2011/460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_1308126232351.jpg" alt="Streets blocked by Barcelonas indignation, the politicians have to be flown in to make cuts... Remember Argentina??? " title="Click on image to see full-sized version" height="203" width="460"></a><br>Streets blocked by Barcelonas indignation, the politicians have to be flown in to make cuts... Remember Argentina??? <br></div></body></html>