[energiadecreixent] Tahrir comes to Spain... and Dublin + Cork

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
dij maig 19 18:51:42 CEST 2011

- The #spanishrevolution is growing around the world (La #spanishrevolution se 
extiende a todo el mundo)
Tahrir comes to Spain (indymedia ireland article)

Pissed off with very high unemployment, a political system which is not  
working, a feeling that banks and the markets matter more than life  itself, the 
youth, unemployed and precarious of Spain launched their  revolt last Sunday. 
Three days on and many squares in the country are  occupied and movements are 
building up under the banner of "Democracy  Real, Ya! (Real Democracy, Now!)

Call for a revolution in Ireland (group on facebook, now sporting the 80+ year 
old Spanish republcan flag) have called for actions in Dublin on saturday:

Protest: for a true democracy now!
>Location: O'connell street (in the spire), Dublin
>Time: Saturday, 21 May 2011 14:00
>info: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=202503726457580
>Theres also events in Cork, cant find links at present.

A black and yellow fever is taking over Spain... and now beyond: 
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