[energiadecreixent] Antes LA FIESTA del transició, El tour gratis del ciudad...

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
dij des 16 10:02:40 CET 2010

Antes LA FIESTA del proximo miercoles.... 

Ahora soy un guia por un tour en ingles en el barri gotic, es muy bien, no paga 
muy bien, pero estoy disfrutando lo. Proximo miercoles, tendra un tour a las 
15h, antes la fiesta, y me gustaria si vosotros, con salva y claudia puede ven. 
El tour es muy version personal del ciudad, estoy hablando sobre temas del 
ciudad y de catalunya... eco, divertido, anarquismo y revolucion y guerra, los 
bares baratos, y caga... cagallel, merdenca, caga tio, cagañer... y torros y 

mas info aqui - 

Barcelona Free Walking Tour(click link above to view in original format and to 
watch embedded vids)

An English speaking walking tour around the Barri Gothic with the TRAVEL BOUND 
travel group…
Experience the magic and mystery of Barcelona´s historic roots, Informative and 
entertaining. Discover the hidden beauty of Catalunya´s largest most 
controversial city.
>Let us take you on a two hour tour through Barcelon´s old city including: The 
>Barri Gothic Roman remains Picasso´s absinthe bar, the former red light 
>district, and the world famous Rambla
This article is a little helper for those that have done the tour and who want 
to learn more, or for those who simply want to learn a little about this 
wonderful city.

View Larger Map
We leave from Travel Bar, C/ Boqueria, 27 every day at 11, 1 and 3. So come 
down, wander around and learn why this is one of the most exciting cities in the 
Starting and Finish point
Area we stop and chat in  Area of interest nearby
Barcino, the Roman town on the Mediterenian, which grew from 15 BC
The Tour stops…
C/ Boqueria, 27
08002 Barcelona
933 425 252
Las Ramblas
The Miro ground mural, tourist central.The line of the Rambla follows one of the 
old city rivers within which the old city was built in, the Cagallel (the turd 
bearer), the other also being a poo named river, the Merdanca (the shit stream). 
In the 13th Century, Jaume 1 built a wall to enclose the Gothic city, The rambla 
was the zone outside the exterior wall.
 La boqueria market
A wonderful food market in the heart of the city. Go in and see the sights, hear 
the sounds, smell the food, taste the richness. Guy Kawakaski was very impressed 
with it and made a nice foto folder of his time there.
The part of the city known once as Barri Xino (the chinese neighbourhood). Its 
the most multicultural part of the city and has much hidden gems, it still is a 
bit rough, with pimps, druggies and prostitutes hanging out. Go explore, but be 
 El Call, the Jewish Ghetto
One of the narrowest streets in the city. In the old days people would have 
crossed from roof to roof, as the Jewish community was closed off from the rest 
of the city. Europes oldest synagogue is housed here.The Jews have had a 
terrible time in most places, including Barcelona. In the 1300´s they were 
blamed for the Black death and there were pogroms. In 1492 they were finally 
exiled from the city.
 Europes oldest synagogue
View this site of much history at Carrer de Marlet, 5. More info about the 
history of Barcelona’s Jewish community at www.calldebarcelona.org
 Plaça de Sant Felip Neri
One of the cities most beautiful squares, site of childrens schools Bombed by 
Hitler during Spanish civil war, later used as zone of execution of anti 
fascists when Franco won the war.
Plaça de Sant Felip Neri
Nationalist aircraft bomb Madrid in late November 1936.
Bombing in Barcelona, 1938. during the Spanish civil war
 Placa Nova
Outside the old Roman North gate, 1 of 4 leading from the old Roman city. You 
can see the last bit of the aquaduct. (Detalle ciudad Barcino.)
 City Architecture School – Picassos Miro joke
A funny story for an ugly 1970´s building
Barcelona Cathedral
The 14th Century cathedral dedicated to Santa Eulalia, still has an internal 
cloister garden within which there are always 13 white geese, 1 to sybolise each 
year of the life of the saint.
Santa Catarina market
A bold colorful architecture, a retrofit of a local food market, of which each 
barrio still has their own, serving local fresh fruit and vegetables.
 Roman Barcelona
You can view down through the windows of the city history museum, to see the 
amazing ruins of the Roman city, 5 metres below the present level.
 The Kings steps – Placa del Rei
Another gem of a square in the Gothic quarter. This is where Colombus reported 
back that there was a New WorldIn the evenings you can see people sitting out on 
the steps, sharing beer or playing music. Quiet often there are Catalan dancing 
evenings and free city concerts here.
 Hairy Willy
The stories of the “Father of Catalunya”, St George and the Dragon and the Kings 
Jewish wall. Later We will hear how he is related to the Catalan flag, the 
sanyera, and a bit about dragons, roses, virgins and romance…
 Old gardens of the Spanish viceroy
Now housing the Crown of Aragon archives, Archivo General de la Corona de 
Aragón, a wonderful example of a cool interior space, with flowing water and 
much greenery creating a microclimate to cool the rooms surrounding, an example 
found in much muslim architecture.
 Cathedral gargolyes and the Senyera
The Cities Cahedral, like many other Gothic buildings, has gargoyles (demons to 
warn away evil spirits, that double up as excess rain water run offs) but in 
this case they are of farmyard animalsAlongside we will see 1 of the many 
Senyera, the Catalan flag. We will hear of its origins and a little more about 
Catalan identity and life, like their dislike of bull fighting and their love of 
human tower building.
 Roman Forum
The peak of mount Tabor, behind an old door, old remnants of the Roman city can 
be viewed.
 Placa de San Jaume
This is the centre of power, hasn’t moved far in 2000 years. The city hall, the 
ayutamento, stands on the sea side and facing it is the Generalitat, or centre 
of power for the state of Catalunya. The square sees a lot of demonstrations…
The political heart of Catalunya is filled during the outbreak of the civil war.
The political heart of Catalunya is filled during the outbreak of the Iraq war.
Square with kids playground
After democracy was restored, one of the first acts of urbanism, was to open up 
spaces for the public to congregate again. This is one of the few in the Barri 
Gothic, but in it you can see how well used kids zones are here. Kids are valued 
in Spain and it is normal to see fathers after work rolling around on the ground 
with their kids, which is seen to less of an extent in the colder northern 
 Travel Bound
Carrer de Milans, 7
08002 Barcelona
Cómo llegar
933 191 662
Picassos art school
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon or “Las señoritas de Avinyó”: Remember that famous 
Cubist painting by Picasso, come here and find out the full story…
 Placa George Orwell
George Orwell was a famous British author who came to fight against facism 
during the Spanish civil war. He got shot and this triangular square was named 
after him. Its more locally known as Placa Trippi.
A few links, films etc…
- 1492, was when Colombus “found” the new world. On his return to Spain he 
delivered his news of this world on the steps of Placa del Rei (the Kings 
- “Més que un club”, meaning ‘More than a club‘:  Barca, one of the greatest 
football teams in Europe at present. In 2009 they won the triple: the cup, the 
league, the European champions league. As ever, the fans go mad with 
celebrating, in many ways they see it as a win for Catalunya over Spain and 
- The recently UNESCO patrimony to humanity past time of Catalunya; making human 
towers- Castells
- CAGA, shit… Ok, so, a rather strange part of Catalan culture is their open and 
celebrational views on that basic of human functions… Shitting.
Here is the Catalan only tradition of kids beating a log of wood called CAGA 
TIO, or UNCLE SHIT, and they sing a lovely little ditty…
Shit Uncle, Youd better shit out some sweeties, and none of that smeely salty 
fish, shit us out some sweets, which are much better… (more or less)
So, as well as that fella, they also have EL CAGANER, or THE SHITTER. In the 
cribs, where the 3 kings are visiting the newly born baby Jesus, out the back 
there is always a Catalan fellow going for a dump, i shit you not…. Catalunya
- About the Spanish Civil War, a great way to get an idea about what was going 
on is to watch Ken Loaches film Land and Freedom (Tierra y Libertad)
- Heres a view of what Barcelona was like when Franco seized power, which he 
held from 1939, after the final fall of Barcelona, untill his death in 1975
- The maddest Barrio (neighbourhood) festival: ECO ECO ECO – Viva San Xibeco
- Scenes of anger, violence, fire, rubber bullets on the streets of Barcelona 
during the National strike on September 29th 2010

(EL PERIODICO) Day of struggle and fire
- An article with a 3 part audio documentary about activism, art, gardening and 
a bit of history about the city:  Bold, Beautiful, Blooming Barcelona asks: What 
would it mean to win?
(This article is being continually edited and re-edited, commentry appreciated)
Guernica by Pablo Picasso

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