[energiadecreixent] Fòrum Social Català i congrés de decreixement

Andrea Calsamiglia acalsamigliaagmail.com
Div Oct 9 01:10:42 CEST 2009


Com va això?? Ahir a l'assemblea de l'entesa vam parlar de la possibilitat
de participar a una espècie de congrés que organitza l'ICTA a barcleona del
25 al 28 de maig sobre recerca i decreixement. al programa hi ha diferents
eixos que ens podrien interessar... (es pot fer un cop d'ull a
www.degrowth.net! o bé a continuació... la data límit per presentar un
abstract és el 30 de novembre! què, ens animem??



1- Money and currencies 2- The definition of “work” 3- Moratoria on new
infrastructures.4- How to deal with advertising? 5- Resource sanctuaries 6-
Zero-waste 7- Degrowth in water consumption 8- Reusing empty houses and
co-housing9- Basic income 10- Maximum income 11- New technologies.

1- Social metabolism. 2- Cities and degrowth 3- Agro-ecology, food
sovereignty and degrowth 4- Trade degrowth 5- Participative/direct democracy
6 – Political strategies 7- Demography and degrowth 8- Degrowth of
military-industrial complex 9- Energy degrowth and the transition to
renewable energies 10- Environmental justice, the environmentalism of the
poor and degrowth.11- Human behaviour and degrowth 12- New (macro)economic
models for degrowth
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