.hmmessage P
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queridos hermanos <BR>
agradecemos a uds. por mantenernos informados permanentemente <BR><STRONG>respecto a la deuda , que es algo que nos atañe a todos los paises dannificados. La constancia y la unidad son factores muy importantes , continuemos sin claudicar, todos sabemos que "la gota labra, la piedra". </STRONG><BR>
<STRONG>cariños. </STRONG><BR>
<STRONG><FONT size=3><FONT color=#cc99ff>MUCAPRO</FONT> </FONT><BR></STRONG><FONT color=#cc99ff>(<FONT size=1>CAPACITACION Y PROTECCION A LA MUJER Y FAMILIA</FONT>)</FONT><BR><FONT color=#cc99ff>Cochabamba - Bolivia</FONT><BR><BR>
<P class=EC_MsoNormal><B><FONT face=Webdings color=green size=5><SPAN lang=PT style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 18pt; COLOR: green; FONT-FAMILY: Webdings">P </SPAN></FONT></B><FONT face=Arial color=green size=1><SPAN lang=PT style="FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: green; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Por favor, sea respetuoso con el medio ambiente:</SPAN></FONT></P>
<P class=EC_MsoNormal><FONT face=Arial color=green size=1><SPAN lang=PT style="FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: green; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"></SPAN></FONT><B><FONT face=Arial color=green size=1><SPAN lang=PT style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: green; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"> No imprima este documento si realmente no lo necesita en papel.</SPAN></FONT></B></P></DIV><BR> <BR><BR><BR>> From: deuda-2005-request@llistes.moviments.net<BR>> Subject: Resumen de Deuda-2005, Vol 46, Envío 18<BR>> To: deuda-2005@llistes.moviments.net<BR>> Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2008 13:02:10 +0200<BR>> <BR>> Envíe los mensajes para la lista Deuda-2005 a<BR>> deuda-2005@llistes.moviments.net<BR>> <BR>> Para subscribirse o anular su subscripción a través de la WEB<BR>> http://llistes.moviments.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/deuda-2005<BR>> <BR>> O por correo electrónico, enviando un mensaje con el texto "help" en<BR>> el asunto (subject) o en el cuerpo a:<BR>> deuda-2005-request@llistes.moviments.net<BR>> <BR>> Puede contactar con el responsable de la lista escribiendo a:<BR>> deuda-2005-owner@llistes.moviments.net<BR>> <BR>> Si responde a algún contenido de este mensaje, por favor, edite la<BR>> linea del asunto (subject) para que el texto sea mas especifico que:<BR>> "Re: Contents of Deuda-2005 digest...". Además, por favor, incluya en<BR>> la respuesta sólo aquellas partes del mensaje a las que está<BR>> respondiendo.<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Asuntos del día:<BR>> <BR>> 1. Response from the Global Debt Movement re Financial Crisis<BR>> (Iolanda Fresnillo)<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Message: 1<BR>> Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2008 13:09:04 +0200<BR>> From: "Iolanda Fresnillo" <iolanda.fresnillo@odg.cat><BR>> Subject: [Deuda-QdQ] Response from the Global Debt Movement re<BR>> Financial Crisis<BR>> To: deuda-2005@llistes.moviments.net,<BR>> qui-deu-a-qui@llistes.moviments.net<BR>> Message-ID:<BR>> <6c45c60d0810180409j7dc8b9efsea5e4094f3c44537@mail.gmail.com><BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"<BR>> <BR>> Hola<BR>> <BR>> De momento sólo en inglés, os paso una especie de manifiesto que han escrito<BR>> algunos compañeros ... creo que se puede firmar en http://casinocrash.org/<BR>> <BR>> Os informo que desde la lista de la campaña internacional sobre deuda<BR>> ilegítima (www.illegitimatedebt.org) se está hablando de lanzar acciones<BR>> sobre la crisis financiera desde el movimiento de deuda a nivel global ...<BR>> parece ser que la reunión del G8 extraordinaria que celebraran en unas<BR>> semanas se quiere proponer un "Bretton Woods 2" (bretton woods fué la<BR>> conferencia de naciones unidas de 1944 en la que se fundaron el FMI y el<BR>> Banco Mundial) ... desde Estados Unidos y otros lugares estan presionando<BR>> para que esto no se haga tan rápidamente y se cuente con la sociedad civil<BR>> ... en fin, que las cosas se mueven rápido y desde los movimientos sociales<BR>> necesitamos reaccionar a ello. Igual podemos dedicarle un ratito en el<BR>> encuentro de Córdoba ...<BR>> <BR>> Aprovecho y os envío un textito que escribí sobre como esta crisis puede<BR>> afectar a los países del Sur, lo envié como carta al director, sin mucho<BR>> éxito pq es demasiado largo, pero igual os da ideas:<BR>> http://www.madridiario.es/2008/Octubre/cartadirector/104258/crisis-deuda-humanidad-congreso.html(en<BR>> català, i retallat, ho van publicar al punt<BR>> http://www.vilaweb.cat/www/elpunt/noticia?p_idcmp=3032568)<BR>> <BR>> Besos<BR>> <BR>> Iolanda<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> *The global economic crisis: An historic opportunity for transformation*<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> *An initial response from individuals, social movements and non-governmental<BR>> Organisations in support of a transitional programme for radical economic<BR>> transformation Beijing, 15 October 2008*<BR>> <BR>> * *<BR>> <BR>> *Preamble*<BR>> <BR>> *Taking advantage of the opportunity of so many people from movements<BR>> gathering in Beijing during the Asia-Europe People's Forum, the<BR>> Transnational Institute and Focus on the Global South convened informal<BR>> nightly meetings between 13 and 15 October 2008. We took stock of the<BR>> meaning of the unfolding global economic crisis and the opportunity it<BR>> presents for us to put into the public domain some of the inspiring and<BR>> feasible alternatives many of us have been working on for decades. This<BR>> statement represents the collective outcome of our Beijing nights. We, the<BR>> initial signatories, mean this to be a contribution towards efforts to<BR>> formulate proposals around which our movements can organise as the basis for<BR>> a radically different kind of political and economic order. Please sign on<BR>> to this statement at *http://www.casinocrash.org*.*<BR>> <BR>> * *<BR>> <BR>> *The Crisis*<BR>> <BR>> The global financial system is unravelling at great speed. This is happening<BR>> in the midst of a multiplicity of crises in relation to food, climate and<BR>> energy. It severely weakens the power of the US and the EU, and the global<BR>> institutions they dominate, particularly the International Monetary Fund,<BR>> the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation. Not only is the legitimacy<BR>> of the neo-liberal paradigm in question, but the very future of capitalism<BR>> itself.<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Such is the chaos in the global financial system that Northern governments<BR>> have resorted to measures progressive movements have advocated for years,<BR>> such as nationalisation of banks. These moves are intended, however, as<BR>> short-term stabilisation measures and once the storm clears, they are likely<BR>> to return the banks to the private sector. We have a short window of<BR>> opportunity to mobilise so that they are not.<BR>> <BR>> * *<BR>> <BR>> *The challenge and the opportunity*<BR>> <BR>> We are entering uncharted terrain with this conjuncture of profound crises ?<BR>> the fall out from the financial crisis will be severe. People are being<BR>> thrown into a deep sense of insecurity; misery and hardship will increase<BR>> for many poorer people everywhere. We should not cede this moment to<BR>> fascist, right wing populist, xenophobic groups, who will surely try to take<BR>> advantage of people's fear and anger for reactionary ends.<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Powerful movements against neo-liberalism have been built over many decades.<BR>> This will grow as critical coverage of the crisis enlightens more people,<BR>> who are already angry at public funds being diverted to pay for problems<BR>> they are not responsible for creating, and already concerned about the<BR>> ecological crisis and rising prices ? especially of food and energy. The<BR>> movements will grow further as recession starts to bite and economies start<BR>> sinking into depression.<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> There is a new openness to alternatives. To capture people's attention and<BR>> support, they must be practical and immediately feasible. We have convincing<BR>> alternatives that are already underway, and we have many other good ideas<BR>> attempted in the past, but defeated. Our alternatives put the well-being of<BR>> people and the planet at their centre. For this, democratic control over<BR>> financial and economic institutions are required. This is the "red thread"<BR>> connecting up the proposals presented below.<BR>> <BR>> * *<BR>> <BR>> *Proposals for debate, elaboration and action*<BR>> <BR>> * *<BR>> <BR>> *Finance*<BR>> <BR>> - Introduce full-scale socialisation of banks, not just nationalisation<BR>> of bad assets.<BR>> - Create people-based banking institutions and strengthen existing<BR>> popular forms of lending based on mutuality and solidarity.<BR>> - Institutionalise full transparency within the financial system through<BR>> the opening of the books to the public, to be facilitated by citizen and<BR>> worker organisations.<BR>> - Introduce parliamentary and citizens' oversight of the existing banking<BR>> system<BR>> - Apply social ( including conditions of labour) and environmental<BR>> criteria to all lending, including for business purposes<BR>> - Prioritise lending, at minimum rates of interest, to meet social and<BR>> environmental needs and to expand the already growing social economy<BR>> - Overhaul central banks in line with democratically determined social,<BR>> environmental and expansionary (to counter the recession) objectives, and<BR>> make them publicly accountable institutions.<BR>> - Safeguard migrant remittances to their families and introduce<BR>> legislation to restrict charges and taxes on transfers<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> *Taxation*<BR>> <BR>> - Close all tax havens<BR>> - End tax breaks for fossil fuel and nuclear energy companies<BR>> - Apply stringent progressive tax systems<BR>> - Introduce a global taxation system to prevent transfer pricing and tax<BR>> evasion<BR>> - Introduce a levy on nationalised bank profits with which to establish<BR>> citizen investment funds (see below)<BR>> - Impose stringent progressive carbon taxes on those with the biggest<BR>> carbon footprints<BR>> - Adopt controls, such as Tobin taxes, on the movements of speculative<BR>> capital<BR>> - Re-introduce tariffs and duties on imports of luxury goods and other<BR>> goods already produced locally as a means of increasing the state's fiscal<BR>> base, as well as a means to support local production and thereby reduce<BR>> carbon emissions globally<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> *Public Spending and Investment*<BR>> <BR>> - Radically reduce military spending<BR>> - Redirect government spending from bailing out bankers to guaranteeing<BR>> basic incomes and social security, and providing universally accessible<BR>> basic social services such as housing, water, electricity, health,<BR>> education, child care, and access to the internet and other public<BR>> communications facilities.<BR>> - Use citizen funds (see above) to support very poor communities<BR>> - Ensure that people at risk of losing their homes due to defaults on<BR>> mortgages caused by the crisis are offered renegotiated terms of payment<BR>> - Stop privatisations of public services<BR>> - Establish public enterprises under the control of parliaments, local<BR>> communities and/or workers to increase employment<BR>> - Improve the performance of public enterprises through democratizing<BR>> management - encourage public service managers, staff, unions and consumer<BR>> organisations to collaborate to this end<BR>> - Introduce participatory budgeting over public finances at all feasible<BR>> levels<BR>> - Invest massively in improved energy efficiency, low carbon emitting<BR>> public transport, renewable energy and environmental repair<BR>> - Control or subsidise the prices of basic commodities<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> *International Trade and Finance*<BR>> <BR>> - Introduce a permanent global ban on short-selling of stock and shares<BR>> - Ban on trade in derivatives<BR>> - Ban all speculation on staple food commodities<BR>> - Cancel the debt of all developing countries ? debt is mounting as the<BR>> crisis causes the value of Southern currencies to fall<BR>> - Support the United Nations call to be involved in discussions about how<BR>> the to resolve the crisis, which is going to have a much bigger impact on<BR>> Southern economies than is currently being acknowledged<BR>> - Phase out the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and World Trade<BR>> Organisation<BR>> - Phase out the US dollar as the international reserve currency<BR>> - Establish a people's inquiry into the mechanisms necessary for a just<BR>> international monetary system.<BR>> - Ensure aid transfers do not fall as a result of the crisis<BR>> - Abolish tied aid<BR>> - Abolish neo-liberal aid conditionalities<BR>> - Phase out the paradigm of export-led development, and refocus<BR>> sustainable development on production for the local and regional market<BR>> - Introduce incentives for products produced for sale closest to the<BR>> local market<BR>> - Cancel all negotiations for bilateral free trade and economic<BR>> partnership agreements<BR>> - Promote regional economic co-operation arrangements, such as UNASUR,<BR>> the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA), the Trade Treaty of the<BR>> Peoples and others, that encourage genuine development and an end to<BR>> poverty.<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> *Environment*<BR>> <BR>> - Introduce a global system of compensation for countries which do not<BR>> exploit fossil fuel reserves in the global interests of limiting effects on<BR>> the climate, such as Ecuador has proposed.<BR>> - Pay reparations to Southern countries for the ecological destruction<BR>> wrought by the North to assist peoples of the South to deal with climate<BR>> change and other environmental crises.<BR>> - Strictly implement the "precautionary principle" of the UN Declaration<BR>> on the Right to Development as a condition for all developmental and<BR>> environmental projects.<BR>> - End lending for projects under the Kyoto Protocol's "Clean Development<BR>> Mechanism" that are environmentally destructive, such as monoculture<BR>> plantations of eucalyptus, soya and palm oil.<BR>> - Stop the development of carbon trading and other environmentally<BR>> counter-productive techno-fixes, such as carbon capture and sequestration,<BR>> agrofuels, nuclear power and 'clean coal' technology.<BR>> - Adopt strategies to radically reduce consumption in the rich countries,<BR>> while promoting sustainable development in poorer countries<BR>> - Introduce democratic management of all international funding mechanisms<BR>> for climate change mitigation, with strong participation from Southern<BR>> countries and civil society.<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> *Agriculture and Industry*<BR>> <BR>> - Phase out the pernicious paradigm of industry-led development, where<BR>> the rural sector is squeezed to provide the resources necessary to support<BR>> industrialisation and urbanisation<BR>> - Promote agricultural strategies aimed at achieving food security, food<BR>> sovereignty and sustainable farming.<BR>> - Promote land reforms and other measures which support small holder<BR>> agriculture and sustain peasant and indigenous communities<BR>> - Stop the spread of socially and environmentally destructive<BR>> mono-cultural enterprises.<BR>> - Stop labour law reforms aimed at extending hours of work and making it<BR>> easier for employers to fire or retrench workers<BR>> - Secure jobs through outlawing precarious low paid work<BR>> - Guarantee equal pay for equal work for women ? as a basic principle and<BR>> to help counter the coming recession by increasing workers' capacity to<BR>> consume.<BR>> - Protect the rights of migrant workers in the event of job losses,<BR>> ensuring their safe return to and reintegration into their home countries.<BR>> For those who cannot return, there should be no forced return, their<BR>> security should be guaranteed, and they should be provided with employment<BR>> or a basic minimum income.<BR>> <BR>> * *<BR>> <BR>> *Conclusion*<BR>> <BR>> *These are all practical, common sense proposals. Some are initiatives<BR>> already underway and demonstrably feasible. Their successes need to be<BR>> publicised and popularised so as to inspire reproduction. Others are<BR>> unlikely to be implemented on their objective merits alone. Political will<BR>> is required. By implication, therefore, every proposal is a call to action.<BR>> *<BR>> <BR>> * *<BR>> <BR>> *We have written what we see as a living document to be developed and<BR>> enriched by us all. Please sign on to this statement at *<BR>> http://www.casinocrash.org*.*<BR>> <BR>> * *<BR>> <BR>> *A future occasion to come together to work on the actions needed to make<BR>> these ideas and others a reality will be the World Social Forum in Belem,<BR>> Brazil at the end of January 2009. *<BR>> <BR>> * *<BR>> <BR>> *We have the experience and the ideas - let's meet the challenge of the<BR>> present ruling disorder and keep the momentum towards an alternative<BR>> rolling!!*<BR>> <BR>> * *<BR>> <BR>> *Initial Signatories*<BR>> <BR>> *Organisations*<BR>> <BR>> *Transnational Institute, The Netherlands*<BR>> <BR>> *Focus on the Global South, Asia*<BR>> <BR>> *Red Pepper magazine, United Kingdom*<BR>> <BR>> *Institute for Global Research and Social Movements, Russia*<BR>> <BR>> *Jubilee South- Asia/Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (JS APMDD)*<BR>> <BR>> * *<BR>> <BR>> *Individuals*<BR>> <BR>> *Fiona Dove, South Africa*<BR>> <BR>> *Walden Bello, Philippines/Thailand*<BR>> <BR>> *Hilary Wainwright, United Kingdom*<BR>> <BR>> *Boris Kagarlitsky, Russia*<BR>> <BR>> *Achin Vanaik, India*<BR>> <BR>> *Dot Keet, South Africa*<BR>> <BR>> *Brid Brennan, Ireland*<BR>> <BR>> *Pietje Vervest, Netherlands*<BR>> <BR>> *Cecilia Olivet, Uruguay*<BR>> <BR>> *Ramon Fernandez, Spain*<BR>> <BR>> *Pierre Rousset, France*<BR>> <BR>> *Rodney Bickerstaffe, United Kingdom*<BR>> <BR>> *Lidy Nacpil, Philippines*<BR>> <BR>> *Von Francis C Mesina, Philippines*<BR>> <BR>> *Al D. Senturias, Jr., Philippines*<BR>> <BR>> *Sammy Gamboa, Philippines*<BR>> <BR>> *Fe Jusay, Philippines*<BR>> <BR>> *Nonoi Hacbang, Philippines*<BR>> <BR>> *Seema Mustafa, India*<BR>> <BR>> *Kenneth Haar, Denmark*<BR>> <BR>> *Wolfram Schaffar, Germany*<BR>> <BR>> *Christa Wichterich, Germany*<BR>> <BR>> *Isabelle Duquesne, France*<BR>> <BR>> *Adhemar Mineiro, Brasil*<BR>> <BR>> *Benny Kuruvilla, India*<BR>> <BR>> *Aehwa Kim, South Korea*<BR>> <BR>> *Manjette Lopez, Philippines*<BR>> <BR>> *Bonn Juego, Philippines*<BR>> <BR>> *Rasti Delizo, Philippines*<BR>> <BR>> *James Miraflor, Philippines*<BR>> <BR>> *Miquel Ortega Cerda, Spain*<BR>> <BR>> *David Llistar, Spain*<BR>> <BR>> *Alpo Ratia, Finland*<BR>> <BR>> *Mira Kakonen, Finland*<BR>> <BR>> *Hilary Chiew, Malasya*<BR>> <BR>> *Celeste Fong, Malasya*<BR>> <BR>> *Tatcee Macabuag, Philippines*<BR>> <BR>> *Teodoro M. de Mesa, Philippines*<BR>> <BR>> *Uwe Hoering, Germany*<BR>> <BR>> *Asad Rehman, UK*<BR>> <BR>> *Andy Rutherford, UK*<BR>> <BR>> *Debbie Valencia, Greece*<BR>> <BR>> *Petra Snelders, Netherlands*<BR>> <BR>> *Etta P. Rosales, Philippines *<BR>> <BR>> *Pete Pinlac, Philippines*<BR>> <BR>> *Ute Hausrnann, Germany*<BR>> <BR>> *Penny Davies, Sweeden*<BR>> <BR>> *Alain Baron, France*<BR>> <BR>> *Hanneke van Eldik Thieme, Netherlands*<BR>> <BR>> *Dorothy Guerrero, Philippines*<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> -- <BR>> Observatori del Deute en la Globalització<BR>> <BR>> ***********************************<BR>> NOVA ADREÇA I TELÈFON<BR>> C. Girona 25, principal<BR>> 08010 Barcelona<BR>> 933011793<BR>> ***********************************<BR>> ------------ próxima parte ------------<BR>> Se ha borrado un adjunto en formato HTML...<BR>> URL: <http://llistes.moviments.net/pipermail/deuda-2005/attachments/20081018/7ce128e1/attachment.htm><BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> _______________________________________________<BR>> Deuda-2005 mailing list<BR>> Deuda-2005@llistes.moviments.net<BR>> http://llistes.moviments.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/deuda-2005<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Fin de Resumen de Deuda-2005, Vol 46, Envío 18<BR>> **********************************************<BR><br /><hr />Discover the new Windows Vista <a href='http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=windows+vista&mkt=en-US&form=QBRE' target='_new'>Learn more!</a></body>